Talent Development

At Delta Dunia Group, we believe our employees are our greatest asset. Effective human capital management keeps us competitive and solidifies our industry leadership. Beyond legal compliance, we ensure a secure, comfortable, and healthy work environment that fosters collaboration and support.

Our human resource strategy develops individual skills and enhances team integrity and competitiveness. By adopting best practices in workforce management, we aim to be the employer of choice in the energy sector, offering ample opportunities for professional growth and development.

We strictly adhere to labor laws to maintain a fair and ethical workplace, opposing any form of child or forced labor. Annually, we create personalized development plans with employees and their managers that align with business needs and personal growth. Our commitment to inclusivity is shown through partnerships with institutions supporting people with disabilities, offering internships that integrate diverse talents into our workforce.

Nurturing Future Leaders through the Delta Explorer Program

In 2023, we launched the Delta Explorers program, a cornerstone of our talent development strategy designed to prepare high-potential individuals within the Delta Dunia Group for future leadership roles. The name "Delta Explorer" reflects our goal for participants to venture into and harness their potential, steering our company toward a prosperous future.

Program Highlights:

  • Strategic Projects: Participants engage in real-world projects that challenge them to apply their skills and innovate solutions.
  • Coaching Sessions: Tailored coaching sessions to enhance personal and professional growth.
  • Internal Mentoring: Access to a wealth of knowledge from experienced leaders within the company.
  • Executive Leadership Education: Formal training to develop essential leadership competencies.
  • Functional Training: Specialized courses to refine expertise in specific areas relevant to our business.
  • Networking Opportunities: Regular interactions with peers to build relationships and enhance collaborative efforts.