Code of Conduct

At our company, we believe that ethical behavior is an essential part of our values and culture. That's why we have instilled a Code of Conduct as a cornerstone for all employees to work and behave in accordance with the company's values.

To ensure that everyone in the company understands and adheres to the Code of Conduct, we regularly conduct socialization and training programs. These programs are provided to all employees, including new hires, and management through various mechanisms such as seminars, meetings, and training sessions. We believe that by consistently enforcing our Code of Conduct, we can maintain a positive and ethical work environment, which ultimately benefits our employees, customers, and stakeholders.

Basic Principle of Code of Conduct

Individual Behavior
In carrying out its business, the Company is grounded by the values of integrity, and accountability.
Protection of the Company's Assets
Every employee is required to maintain, protect and be responsible for the use of Company's assets.
Use of Communication Means
Communication facilities provided by the Company are to be used in an effective, efficient and responsible manner.
Every employee must be honest and open in performing his or her duties and responsibilities.
Conflict of Interest
In carrying out its business, the Company is grounded by the values of integrity, and accountability.
Fraud Prevention
Every employee is required to maintain, protect and be responsible for the use of Company's assets.
Information Confidentiality, Access and Disclosure
The Company prioritizes best services with the highest professional standard.
Any unauthorized employee is not allowed to provide statements regarding the Company to the public.
Compliance with Regulations / Regulators
Every employee must adhere to all applicable regulations in the Company as a Public Company.
Consequences of Code of Conduct Violation
Every employee is required to maintain, protect and be responsible for the use of Company's assets.