Delta Dunia Group’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Approves Dividend Distribution, New Directors, and Notes Issuance Plan

- 09 June 2023

Jakarta, June 8, 2023 - PT Delta Dunia Makmur, Tbk (Delta Dunia Group) (IDX: DOID) held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for Financial Year 2022 and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) today at Pacific Century Place, Jakarta. The event was attended by members of the Company's Board of Commissioners and Directors, both in person and online.

There are four main agendas in the AGMS and EGMS, including the presentation of the Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2022, approval of the dividend distribution, changes in the composition of the Company's Board of Directors and Commissioners, and approval by the Company and PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA), a subsidiary of Delta Dunia Group, to issue US dollar-denominated Notes as an alternative form of financing.

Ronald Sutardja, President Director of Delta Dunia Group, said, "We would like to express our gratitude to all shareholders for their participation and continuous support, which has provided us with a strong foundation for the positive business performance throughout 2022, recording a significant revenue of USD1.554 billion or approximately IDR23.115 trillion, which is an increase of 71% compared to 2021. The Company also recorded a net profit of USD29 million or approximately IDR431.3 billion.”

Ronald added that during this meeting, the Company is committed to approving the use of a portion of the Company's 2022 net profit for distributing dividends to shareholders totalling USD7.15 million or approximately IDR106.3 billion. Delta Dunia Group paid an interim dividend of USD5.15 million or approximately IDR76.6 billion to shareholders on December 30, 2022. The remaining USD2 million, or approximately IDR29.7 billion, will be paid as final cash dividends, scheduled to be announced on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Delta Dunia Group’s websites. Meanwhile, the remaining profit for the year attributable to the parent Company, amounting to USD21.5 million or approximately IDR319 billion, will be used to strengthen the company's capital. The meeting also approved changes in the composition of the Company's management by appointing Dian Sofia Andyasuri and Sorimuda Pulungan as Directors of the Company. The General Meeting also approved the reappointment of several members of the Company's Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors whose terms of office had expired, resulting in the composition of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company as follows:

● Hamid Awaludin as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner at the same time

● Nurdin Zainal as Independent Commissioner

● Peter John Chambers as Independent Commissioner

● Ashish Gupta as Commissioner

● Ronald Sutardja as President Director

● Dian Sofia Andyasuri as Director

● Sorimuda Pulungan as Director

The AGMS also approved the plan of the Company and/or PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA), a subsidiary of the Delta Dunia Group, to issue US dollar denominated bonds to obtain alternative financing. These Notes will be offered to overseas investors, with a maximum amount of USD500 million or approximately IDR7.43 trillion. The maximum interest rate of the Notes is 12% per annum. The maturity date of the Notes maximum in 2029.

"Our plan to issue Notes aims to continue strengthening BUMA's financial position and operations. Such a new financing structure, with more favorable terms and conditions, will provide more flexibility to manage the Company's liquidity and cash flow, for the development of its business activities," concluded Ronald.