BIRU Holds Edu Seminar to Encourage Multisectoral Collaboration in Increasing Globally Competitive Human Resources Capacity

- 06 September 2023

PT BISA Ruang Nuswantara (BIRU), a subsidiary of PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk. (Delta Dunia Group), today held an Education Seminar themed “Learning for a Sustainable Future” and “BISA Ruang Vokasi (BRV) Learning Experience” exhibition at the Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan. This activity is held in hybrid and attended by representatives of the regional government, mining and non-mining industry players, as well as educational institutions and students. This activity aims to encourage multisectoral collaboration in improving the human resources’ (HR) skills and character development to be globally competitive and ready to enter the industrial world, especially the mining industry.

Dian Andyasuri, Commissioner of BIRU said, "BIRU is a subsidiary of Delta Dunia Group, which focuses on vocational education and waste recycling management. BIRU's presence as an innovative social enterprise is a tangible manifestation of the Company's long-term environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitment. Understanding the importance of a skilled and ready-to-work workforce in the industry, we strive to continuously encourage multisectoral collaboration in improving aspects of the character, knowledge, and skills of vocational students to meet industry needs. Through today's activity, we hope to encourage multisectoral synergy, especially in the education and industrial sectors, in providing a positive impact on society and increasing the skilled and qualified workforce in the country.”

The economic growth of East Kalimantan Province in the second quarter of 2023 reached 6.84%, or increased significantly from the same period in the previous year of 3.62%.1 The extractive sector, which becomes an important pillar of the East Kalimantan economy, contributes up to around 40,69% to the overall Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). As one of the cities in East Kalimantan, Balikpapan is also one of the cities that relies on mining and industry. This significant economic increase drives a higher need for a skilled workforce in the mining and energy sectors. Atok Aryanto, Educational Practitioner and Director of Kubik Leadership, as one of the spokespersons in the Educational Seminar, said, “One of the keys to increasing workforce absorption in the industry is multisectoral collaboration starting from the education ecosystem players, industry players, and students. Good collaboration between stakeholders is expected to create an effective skills-based learning process, in accordance with the industry needs, and able to provide broad benefits to society and national economic growth." The other spokesperson, Indah Shafira Zata Dini, Education Consultant, said, “Training and learning through workplace duplication plays an important role in preparing skilled and competitive workforce. Duplication of the workplace environment is not only able to create adaptive human resources but also able to meet the industry qualifications and even contribute in creating solutions for related industries.”

Meanwhile, Nanang Rizal Achyar, Deputy President Director of PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA), which is also a subsidiary of the Delta Dunia Group, said, "BIRU, through BISA Ruang Vokasi (BRV), collaborates with BUMA and a number of vocational schools and industrial players to overcome the gap between industrial needs of workforce and the workforce competency, as well as open up access to inclusive training through the link and match concept between business and industry and the world of education. We believe that this collaboration will provide broad and long-term benefits for society, as well as encourage economic growth."

BRV is an industrial competency-based training product that aims at increasing the capacity and skills of vocational school graduates, which is in line with the industry’s needs. In the future, BIRU will present the BRV platform, an industrial competency-based e-learning program that is supported by a virtual reality approach in its learning practices. The platform, which can be accessed online, will provide a more in-depth learning experience while improving digital literacy through various modules and the use of interactive multimedia equipment, such as videos and virtual simulations. BRV graduates will get a national standard certificate (BNSP) that supports them to meet the increasing needs of the industry.

BIRU will continue to promote HR competency improvement programs and expand its reach to other sectors that require a ready-to-work vocational workforce, such as the pilot program that is currently being developed for the tourism and hospitality sectors. In addition, BIRU will also strengthen its learning competencies with English language programs, apprenticeships or practical training, both of which are internationally certified. "With the roadmap, we are confident that BIRU will be the initiator in the development of Indonesian human resources that are innovative, comprehensive, and excel, as well as globally competitive. Delta Dunia Group's business expansion steps also increase the opportunities for skilled labor needs in the future, where BIRU helps encourage sustainability practices and complements the Company's ecosystem in terms of fulfilling quality human resources in the midst of dynamic industrial development. By helping to prepare skilled prospective workers that meet industry needs, we hope to make a positive contribution to the industry and national economic growth," Dian concluded.