General Meeting of Shareholders

File Name File Size View
Announcement to Shareholders Regarding the Payment Schedules and Procedures of Final Cash Dividend for the Financial Year 2023 0,41 Mb
Summary of Minutes of Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS 1,03 Mb
Invitation to Annual and Extraordinary GMS 2024 0,45 Mb
Amendment and/or Additional Disclosure of Information in relation with Reduction of Capital and Program MESOP Through the Transfer of Treasury Shares 2,72 Mb
Format Power of Attorney - AGMS and EGMS 2024 0,59 Mb
eASY.KSEI User Guide for Shareholders 5,11 Mb
Rules of Order - Annual and Extraordinary GMS 2024 0,82 Mb
Announcement Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 0,41 Mb
Announcement of Annual and Extraordinary GMS 2024 0,41 Mb
Disclosure of Information in relation to the Plan for Capital Reduction by canceling the Company's Shares 1,68 Mb
Minutes of Extraordinary GMS 2024 0,89 Mb
BOD Nomination 0,40 Mb
eASY.KSEI User Guide for Shareholder 5,11 Mb
Format Power of Attorney - Extraordinary GMS 2024 0,66 Mb
Rules of Order - Extraordinary GMS 2024 0,82 Mb
Disclosures of Information in relation to the Plan for Shares Repurchase 3,59 Mb
Announcement of Extraordinary GMS 2024 0,52 Mb
Disclosure of Information Regarding the Share Buyback Plan 3,59 Mb